The Attributes of a Good Polo Pony

Speed, intelligence and agility by themselves, do not make a good polo pony. He must be clever. He must be able to dodge and swerve while going full speed, and to wheel and turn on the proverbial dime. Besides this, he must be able to follow the ball, and instinctively put his rider in a good position to hit it. He must be completely steady and unaffected by the waving mallets and yelling crowds. In addition, and no less important, he must have much courage, and not flinch from contact, sometimes violent, with another mount.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

You're Going To Die !!!

I was not always involved in polo, though I've owned horses my whole life. My oldest son attended a college that had a polo team. During Parents Weekend, I went to see a polo game with my youngest son, who was a sophomore in high school at the time. He had ridden our trail horses a few times, but had never shown much interest in horses or riding. After watching the polo game, he announced that he wanted to learn how to play polo. I turned to him and said "you're going to die!. Wouldn't you rather join the cross-country team at school?" But it was too late. He had been bitten by the "polo bug". I signed him up for polo lessons at the college and riding lessons at home. So began my life as a PoloMom.

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