Would you donate your horse to a College or University? There are a lot of Equine Programs that will accept horses as donations. The donation is a tax write-off. The University will let you determine the value of your horse, up to $5000. Above that, the horse must be professionally appraised. Sounds like a great deal! What a great way to "retire" a polo horse that is either too old, or doesn't suit your needs! But, read the fine print. When you donate your horse it becomes the property of the University or the College. If the horse is not suitable for their program, or they have no room for the horse, what happens? You have signed a contract that does not allow the horse to be returned to the donater. According to a local university, the horse is to be sold at auction. This particular university sends their unused,unwanted donated polo horses to an auction/sale Barn in Western, MA. According to the owner, "Thoroughbreds go straight to the "killpen". What breed are most polo horses? They are mainly TBs! Right now, the University is overwhelmed with donations of polo horses. The polo season has ended, for the most part, and the economy is in the dumps. Do the donaters know that their horse will most likely end up being slaughtered for meat? Do they care? Do they just "turn a blind eye"?
Why would you "retire" your old horse to a college program. Thats not retirement, thats a tax write off and unfortunately a lot of colleges get stuck with horses will never work for them - broken down, crazy, or other problems. Do the donors care-they got their tax write off.