Twice a year, Bay State Equine Rescuehas a Shavings Sale. They buy a tractor-trailer load of bagged shavings, sell the bags, and with the proceeds, are able to provide shavings for their rescue horses. I happen to like the brand they get, which consist of fine shavings. I don't waste as much, and it keeps my manure pile the size of a mountain. With bigger size shavings the manure pile is the size of a mountain range! This year the bags of shavings cost $5.40 each. Our local feed store Hardwick Farmers Exchange sells similar shavings for $6.10 per bag, so I would be saving .70 per bag. Multiply this by 50 bags, and the savings is $35. So, yesterday morning, I hook-up the horse trailer and head over to pick-up my bags of shavings. I arrive at the destination, shavings are loaded, and I go to get back into my truck. For some reason, I happen to look at the truck trailer connection, and realize I had forgotten to plug-in the brake/light plug. Not only had I driven the trailer without brakes and lights, but in the process of dragging on the ground, the plug had been broken, and the connections had worn down. After having a minor temper tantrum, and chastising myself, I decided to go over to Manns Trailer Sales and see, if by some miracle, they could fix/replace the plug, on a Saturday. Fortunately for me, they were able to make the repair, while I waited. They even had a TV in the waiting room, so I was able to watch the Animal Planet channel and learn all about Pekingese dogs! I bet you didn't know that these were once the dogs owned by Chinese royalty and the theft of one was punishable by death! Anyway, trailer is fixed, shavings are unloaded, and after the cost of the repair and the coffee and muffin I bought, I figured I was minus 35 cents. Well, at least it helped the rescue!
lol! All for a good cause...and you expanded your canine knowledge in the process. Not too bad. hehe!