Every now and then, I browse Craigslist to see what people are selling. Needless to say, I always check-out the ads for horses. Read this ad and tell me what you think. Belgian for Sale A STALLION that is 3 feet wide at his shoulder!!! And he's not registered!! What in the world would anyone do with a unregistered stallion? Breed him to your unregistered mare? Are there not enough unwanted horses in the US? If someone wants to raise a colt/filly, go to the auctions, where you can buy one for $125. You could probably get a registered colt/filly for $225!! Not only would you get your "baby", you would save one from slaughter. Yes, foals are slaughtered. The meat is like veal, and the Europeans pay top dollar for foal/baby meat!! I sure hope the other horse next to the stallion, in the ad photo is not a MARE!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! PS. Whats with the logs? Does that look safe?? Good Grief!!!
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