As I mentioned in a previous blog, I check the Camelot Feedlot horses each Thursday for polo horses. Horses are run thru the auction on Wednesday night, and ship to slaughter on Sunday, so there is a narrow time frame to pull the horses. The above mare was listed this week. Due to my current "mobility" situation, we could not take this polo mare. Squirrelwood Equine Sanctuary, located in Montgomey, NY specializes in polo horse and draft horse rescue. Upon seeing the polo mare at Camelot, I immediately emailed Squirrelwood, to see if they could take her. This morning I got the good news that they would take the mare. The next step is calling Camelot to secure the mare, transportation, and quarantine. Fortunately Squirrelwood will be able to provide these services. I will assist providing the funds for the mare's "bail". I'll keep my readers updated. Hopefully we will have saved another polo horse from ending-up on some European's dinner plate!
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