As if Junes' tornado wasn't enough, know we have a hurricane coming our way! I've had several people ask if I'm ready for the storm.My sister even called from her vacation in PA. You know the drill-water, batteries, candles, food, radio, charged cell phones. My response to this question is always the same."If the horses have everything they may need, then I'm prepared!" The first task is to figure-out where to house everyone. Are current number of horses is 8, and number of stalls is 5. We decided to have Stitch and Lilo co-habitate in one of the 12x12 stalls, Mudslide gets the other 12x12, Fancy, DB, and C'est Bon can use the stalls in the main barn. This leaves Trick and Eva to brave the elements wearing their raincoats. They will have one of the run-in shelters for cover, so long as it doesn't blow away. Every available container of water has been filled, hay has been brought down from the loft, and hopefully we have battened down all the hatches! If all goes as the weather gurus are predicting, we will all be blown to the Land of Oz by Sunday night. Do you think Toto is an acceptable name for a polo horse?
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