More sad news. Our polo pony, Trick, had to be humanely euthanized following a freak paddock accident in Aiken, SC. Mark is not exactly sure what happened, but it appeared that Trick somehow got his leg over something, pulled back, completely severing the tendon in his left front leg. As Mark said "Mom, as soon as I saw the injury, I knew it was hopeless". It never is easy having to euthanize an animal, even when it is obvious that there is no hope for recovery. It is always in the back of my mind "what if?" Could we have trailered Trick somewhere to have surgery? Mark said the tendons were like spagetti. How would Trick even get into a trailer? There are special trailers designed with hoists and other equipment to handle horses and large animals, but even with that, the type of microscopic surgery would have cost a fortune. Even if I had all the money in the world, would it be fair to Trick to put him through surgery and the recovery; to maybe be able to stand and walk? He certainly would never play polo again, and it would have been a miracle if he were even pasture sound. I can't speak for other owners of polo horses/Thoroughbreds, but it seems that once they can't play polo, race or have some use, they start to fade away. Polo or racing has been their life; it is what they know how to do; it is in their blood. Take it away, and what is there? All Mark and the vet could do was to wrap Trick's leg and give him pain medication until arrangements could be made for a backhoe. Mark sat on Trick's back, hitting polo balls, while Trick grazed. I know you're up there in Heaven galloping as fast as you can, chasing polo balls, and when the game is over you are napping in the shade. Twilight Trick by Clever Trick(Ice Capade) out of Glory's Light(Halo). Born in Ky on March 23, 1995. Raced until 6 years of age. Retrained for polo.Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on Oct. 20,2011.
RIP dear Trick. You were a reliable and ready partner, and a good natured, beautiful fellow. Thank you for taking me on the most loveliest of trail rides. We will miss you, dear Trick.