The Attributes of a Good Polo Pony

Speed, intelligence and agility by themselves, do not make a good polo pony. He must be clever. He must be able to dodge and swerve while going full speed, and to wheel and turn on the proverbial dime. Besides this, he must be able to follow the ball, and instinctively put his rider in a good position to hit it. He must be completely steady and unaffected by the waving mallets and yelling crowds. In addition, and no less important, he must have much courage, and not flinch from contact, sometimes violent, with another mount.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring has Sprung and the Bees are Buzzing

After a long, aren't they all, winter, it is so nice to get some over 50 degree weather.This weather makes me want to forget about housework and go outside to "play" in the barn, yard, and most importantly spend time with the horses. My definition of spending time with and playing with the horses is doing anything related to my horses. It can be cleaning out the horse trailer, or doing an inventory of the items in my 3 tack trunks. It never ceases to amaze me all the stuff that has been acquired for the horses. Every horse needs his own "everything, from bucket to blanket. Due to the years that Mark was here with his horses, and the fact that he still sometimes stops here for a couple of days enroute to and from South Carolina,  I keep extras of just about everything that might be needed for his 6 TB polo horses.  Buckets, blankets, halters, stock tanks, extra fencing, fly sheets, saddles and  lead ropes. Now that there are 3 minis living on the farm, I have big and little sizes of everything. Special stall doors were built and installed so that Char-Lee, Delilah, and Scooter can peer over the tops of  the doors. Is there anything cuter than 3 littles faces anxiously awaiting their feed in  the morning? All of this equipment adds up to a lot of stuff to keep track of, and care for, so I feel that a yearly inventory is important. Knowing what I have, and where it is stored saves not only time, but money. New fencing is being put around the paddocks, the barn needs painting, storm windows need  to be removed and we are building a new run-in shelter this year. Of course, there is training, riding and driving of the horses. So much to do and so little time, but I'd rather be "playing with the horses" than doing anything else in the world!

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