The Attributes of a Good Polo Pony

Speed, intelligence and agility by themselves, do not make a good polo pony. He must be clever. He must be able to dodge and swerve while going full speed, and to wheel and turn on the proverbial dime. Besides this, he must be able to follow the ball, and instinctively put his rider in a good position to hit it. He must be completely steady and unaffected by the waving mallets and yelling crowds. In addition, and no less important, he must have much courage, and not flinch from contact, sometimes violent, with another mount.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feathered Guests

My friend Laura called and asked if her hens, rooster, and guinea fowl could visit for a few days. Something had been getting into her chicken yard, and had killed 5 hens. With all the birds gone, Laura hoped to catch the culprit. I figured "whats a few more birds" in the yard. We already had 5 hens. Well the "few" more birds turned out to be 25 and 4 guinea fowl. For those of you that don't know about Guinea fowl, they have ugly heads, love to eat ticks, and have got to be the noisest creatures on earth. Tom refers to them as "those damn vultures".The birds have been here about a week, and it seems Laura is not having much luck trapping the poultry connissuer at her house. Oh, well! Such is life. Never a dull moment here at Stony Bridge. At least we are getting a dozen eggs per day, and NO ticks!!

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