The Attributes of a Good Polo Pony

Speed, intelligence and agility by themselves, do not make a good polo pony. He must be clever. He must be able to dodge and swerve while going full speed, and to wheel and turn on the proverbial dime. Besides this, he must be able to follow the ball, and instinctively put his rider in a good position to hit it. He must be completely steady and unaffected by the waving mallets and yelling crowds. In addition, and no less important, he must have much courage, and not flinch from contact, sometimes violent, with another mount.

Monday, March 22, 2010

First Aid

I've been thinking about a good blog topic this past week. My first idea was to bore my readers with a list of the contents in my 2 "new and improved" equine first aid kits. I just know you would love to read about different size telfa pads, and how many oral syringes I own! I won't list the contents, but will tell you about how these kits came to be. By now, if you have been reading my blog, you know that my horses are always looking for ways to deplete my credit card accounts, and keep the local equine veterinarians gainfully employed. Whenever there is a medical problem, I run around the house, barn and trailer looking for all the items needed for triage. I decided it was time to put everything that I might need in a "kit". One kit turned into two. My friend Kathryn told me I needed at least 20 placed in strategic spots around the farm!! Anyway, last Monday, as I was getting into my car to go to work, I noticed that Fancy had blood/a wound above her left eye. Its a long story about how that happened, and maybe I'll enlightened you another time. Putting it briefly-when you own horses, sh** happens! Very pleased with my emergency preparedness, I run in the house, grab some telfa pads, bowl of warm water, betadine, and furacin from the kit! Out to the stall I go, start blotting the blood on Fancy's face, and realize that its a good thing my phone and credit card are on speed dial! Thirteen stitches later (my lucky number) and my dear sweet Fancy looks like a war causality! As a result of this latest episode I have taken into consideration, Kathryn's suggestion of needing 20 Kits! On second thought, maybe not! Tom was looking for the furacin yesterday. When I told him it was in one of the "new and improved" first aid kits, he told me it was easier to find when it was on the shelf in the barn!

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