The Attributes of a Good Polo Pony

Speed, intelligence and agility by themselves, do not make a good polo pony. He must be clever. He must be able to dodge and swerve while going full speed, and to wheel and turn on the proverbial dime. Besides this, he must be able to follow the ball, and instinctively put his rider in a good position to hit it. He must be completely steady and unaffected by the waving mallets and yelling crowds. In addition, and no less important, he must have much courage, and not flinch from contact, sometimes violent, with another mount.

Friday, December 3, 2010

This is Fashion?

I have been thinking about this subject for about a week. A flyer in the mail from prompted me to immediately sit down to write this blog. On the cover is a young girl holding a horse, with a yellow Lab sitting by her side. This would be a cute photo except for what everyone is wearing. The print is called "animal print". It is what I would describe as a very small "leopard print". Envision the irregular shaped brown circles on a leopards' fur, but inside each circle put the colors pink, light blue, or light mint green. Now make this into a blanket for your 16 hand high horse, add a matching halter, and leg wraps. To complete this picture, put a matching coat and collar on your dog, and have a very large stable tote slung over your shoulder. I will admit to buying Zanita a dark lavender rain sheet, and Fancy a hot pink and black, very small checked rain sheet, but to me, this outfit is funnier than Jeff Foxworthy. You can also buy a coordinating hay bag, hanging accessory bag, saddle bag, and Western or English saddle pad. Inside the flyer's back cover they even sell leopard pattern socks. At least these will be worn under your boots! So if any of my readers receive something like this for Christmas this year, think twice before you re-gift it for next year-especially if you're sending it to me!

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